Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to make pancake?...



The following ingredients will make about 8 10-inch pancakes (more or fewer, depending on the size). You may change the amounts of ingredients according to the amount of which you wish to serve.
2 cups (9oz/255g) self-raising or all-purpose flour (See tips below)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups (350ml) of milk
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons butter/Vegetable oil
3 tablespoons sugar (optional)
2 teaspoons baking soda.


Crack eggs into a bowl and beat until fluffy. Add in the dry ingredients, (omit baking powder if using self-raising flour), and milk. Do not stir mixture at this point.

Melt the butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Make sure that it's completely melted; about a minute is sufficient.

Add the butter and the milk to the mix. Stir gently, leaving some small clumps of dry ingredients in the batter. Do not blend until completely smooth. If your batter is smooth, your pancakes will be tough and flat as opposed to fluffy.

Heat your frying pan to a medium low flame. If you have an initial "pancake" setting on your stove, use that. Be sure to use non-stick spray, or a pat of butter so the pancakes won't stick.
Sprinkle a few flecks of water onto your pan. If it 'dances', or jumps from the pan with a sizzle, the pan is ready for the batter.

Pour about 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup batter from the tip of a large spoon or from a pitcher onto the hot griddle(Or your greased frying pan). The amount you pour will decide the final size of your pancakes. It is best to begin with less batter, and then slowly pour more batter onto the pan to increase the pancake size.

Cook for about two minutes or until the pancake is golden. You should see bubbles form and then pop around the edges. When the bubbles at the edge of the batter pop and a hole is left that does not immediately close up, flip the cake gently.

Cook the other side until golden and remove. Want a deeper color? Repeat the steps for another thirty seconds per side until the pancake is done enough for your tastes.

Enjoy! Try adding butter, peanut butter, syrup, jelly, chocolate chips or fruit to your pancakes for a different, more exciting flavor. The varieties are endless. These are the most delectable pancakes you will ever taste.

Try low carb pancakes - virtually no carbs: if you use high protein powders and egg or egg whites -- you'll like these delicious, "sugar free" pancakes.
If you choose to use self rising flour omit the salt and baking powder from the recipe. Self rising flour contains both those ingredients.
Add a little vanilla essence to the batter for an even sweeter pancake.
Lemon juice and fine sugar make a very traditional and delicious topping.
Instead of using butter or non-stick cooking spray on the pan, try melted bacon fat, which works great if you are making bacon at the same time as you make the pancakes.
Try putting cinnamon sugar on the pancake while it is in the pan. After it is finished cooking, roll it up, and serve it as a "mock crepe" for a delicious treat.
Stir in two tablespoons of lemon juice and two additional tablespoons of sugar into the pancake batter before cooking it.
Try adding ingredients to your batter instead of topping your pancakes with them. Need a few ideas? Try chocolate chips (milk or dark), fruit (strawberries, bananas, blueberries), or different spices (cinnamon).
As there are many cultures in which pancakes are made, there are many different recipes. Some things to experiment with are for example:
Using beer or sparkling water along with the milk will give it a slightly different taste in the case of beer and make it rise better if you're not using baking powder.
The ratio between the fluids (milk, sparkling water, beer) and the solids (wheat) determines whether the pancake will be thin (more like a French crepe) or thick (more like an American style pancake) so experiment until you find the recipe that you like most.
By whisking the egg-white (as seen in the movie) and adding it later you are in fact making [1] Austrian-style Kaiserschmarrn] dough, that is usually torn apart after/during baking into a scrambled eggs like dish.
If you don't want the pancakes to stick to the pan you can also put in sunflower oil, the oil has a higher burning temperature (smoke point) than butter so it is better suited for use in hot pans.
For a very fluffy pancake use vanilla or fruit yogurt mixed with water for your liquid portion. Try sour cream too!
If you want them just right, make sure you leave them on for enough time!

Be careful not to burn yourself.
Do not press down on pancakes while cooking, this prevents them from getting fluffy.
Do not stack them on top of each other as that will cause them to drape from the steam and make them soggy.

Friday, May 11, 2012

My brounch

Bross mudah dengan pilihan sederhana dan nampak feminim

My brounch