Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gloutinouse rice ball

Ingredient to make the glutinous rice ball soup:

300g glutinous rice floursugar
2 cup water (for rice ball)Handful of nata de coco (optional)
100g gingko3 pandan leaves
Dash of food coloring (red)800ml to 1L water ( to make soup)

To make the glutinous rice balls:

add in rice flour in a big bowl, pour in water slowly and mix well till form a dough that not stick to your hand

knead the dough for 5 – 8 minutes


tang yuan dough

divide the dough into 2 portion, add in a dash of food coloring to one of the portion.

Bring water to boil in a cooking pot, pinch a small dough and roll to form a ball, drop in the rice ball into the boil water. Repeat. It float when cooked.


when tang yuan float, means cooked

Scoop the cooked rice balls and put in a bowl of water.

To make the soup:

bring 800ml – 1L water to boil, add in gingko and cook for 10 minutes

add in pandan leaves, nata de coco, sugar and the cooked rice balls, bring back to boil.

Mango pamelo sago

300 grams mango pulp diced (2 large mango) better Harum Manis
100 grams pomelo pulp
100 cc evaporated milk
500 grams mango puree (I used 2 large mango and blended in food processor)
600 cc simple syrup
100 grams sago pearls
Mint leaves

1. Soaking the sago for 5 minutes.
2. Boiling water 2 litres, adding sago and cook until they looks clear without colour.
3. Turn of the flame, and left it for 15 minutes until totally transparent.
4. Drain the sago in a sieve with water and rinse in cold water. Set aside.
5. Peel mangoes and chunk the flesh into large cubes.
6. Blend the mango with simple syrup until smooth.

1. In a bowl, mixing mango puree and evaporated milk, stirr it.
2. Pouring the diced mango, pomelo pulp and sago pearls.
3. Chill the dessert for several hours until ready to serve or if you in a hurry using ice cube.
4. Laddle into cup and garnish with left mango cubes, pomelo pulp and mint leave

Cheese cake

Cheese cake adalah semacam akanan khas Eropa karena berbahan dasar keju,teksturnya yang lembut lezat membuat kue ini menjadi kue favorit dari setiap kalangan.Dibawah ini ada Strwaberry cheeese cake yang pastinya enak banget

Bahan :
200 ml susu cair
250 gr cream cheese
90 gr mentega tawar
6 kuning telur, kocok lepas
2 sdt kulit jeruk lemon parut
½ sdt esens lemon
200 gr putih telur
150 gr gula halus

40 gr tepung terigu
20 gr tepung maizena

Setup strawberry (hiasan) :
700 gr strawberry ukuran kecil, bersihkan
50 gr gula pasir halus

Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan oven hingga suhu 180 °C. Siapkan 2 buah loyang oval bervolume 1,5 liter, alasi dengan kertas roti, olesi margarin, taburi terigu. Sisihkan.
2. Taruh cream cheese dan susu dalam satu wadah lalu tim di atas panci berisi air di atas kompor dengan api sedang. Aduk-aduk hingga cream cheese menjadi lembut dan tercampur rata dengan susu. Masukkan mentega, aduk hingga leleh. Angkat. Biarkan hingga adonan cream cheese hangat. Masukkan kuning telur kocok, kulit jeruk lemon parut dan esens lemon, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
3. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukkan gula halus sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok hingga kaku.
4. Tuangi adonan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok perlahan dengan mixer kecepatan rendah hingga rata. Masukkan tepung terigu dan tepung maizena, kocok perlahan hingga rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian.
5. Tuang masing-masing adonan ke dalam loyang panggang selama 40 menit hingga permukaan cake berwarna keemasan. Angkat. Dinginkan. Keluarkan dari loyang.
6. Setup strawberry : masak strawberry dan gula di atas api kecil hingga berair dan strawberry lunak. Angkat. Dinginkan.
7. Hias setiap permukaan cake dengan setup strawberry. Biarkan sebagian saus mengalir ke sisi kue.
8. Sajikan hangat atau dingin.

Strawberry Cheesecake ini dapat juga dipanggang au bain marie yaitu teknik memanggang dengan air (merendam loyang berisi adonan kue ke dalam loyang yang lebih besar yang berisi air panas setinggi ½ loyang adonan kue). Tujuannya agar cake matang dalam keadaan lembab dengan tekstur yang lembut. Beberapa tip pemanggangan dengan cara au bain marie :
1. Air dalam loyang harus mencapai setengah tinggi loyang kue.
2. Sebelum dituang ke loyang, air harus dipanaskan dulu sampai mendidih. Tapi setelah berada dalam oven, air harus dijaga jangan sampai bergolak/mendidih dan tidak masuk ke dalam kue.
3. Kalau air kurang dan yang dimasukkan tidak cukup panas, cake tidak akan matang.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wonton wrapper

1 egg
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 to 1/2 cup water, as needed
Extra flour as needed
Lightly beat the egg with the salt. Add 1/4 cup water.

Sift the flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the egg and water mixture. Mix in with the flour. Add as much of the remaining water as necessary to form a dough. (Add more water than the recipe calls for if the dough is too dry).

Form the dough into a ball and knead for about 5 minutes, or until it forms a smooth, workable dough. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Roll out until very thin, and cut into 3 1/2-inch squares. Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use.